Welcome to the Caffeine Nation!


Brew up some cozy chaos with us!

Become a member

Lil Bean

Lil Bean

0 members

$3.00 per month

Thank you for your support! This tier get you access to members-only posts as well as discounts on all that Bean merch.
  • Membership Discount
Brought the Beans

Brought the Beans

2 members

$5.00 per month

This tier lets you simply toss some beans into the grinder to help keep things brewing. Thank you! Your support means the absolute world to me.
  • Membership Discount
  • Keys to the Clubhouse
Bean Boozled

Bean Boozled

0 members

$10.00 per month

You brought so many beans that it's boozled my brains! THANK YOU!!! This tier will give you some exclusive perks, including a special role and access to the secret clubhouse on Discord AND a special monthly Discord-only stream!
  • Membership Discount
  • Keys to the Clubhouse
MORE BEANS?!??!?!?

MORE BEANS?!??!?!?

0 members

$20.00 per month

This tier gives you access to a special monthly Discord-only stream where I play member-requested games! And YOU get to pick the game! Also that's SO MANY BEANS, holy heck. ;-;
  • Membership Discount
  • Keys to the Clubhouse

Toss some beans to this Bean!

Thank you so much for your support. Leave a message with your donation and I'll try to reply!
