Start with a membership tier

Lil Bean
0 members
$3 per month
or $2.55 for subs

Thank you for your support!

This tier get you access to members-only posts as well as discounts on all that Bean merch.

Membership Discount
Brought the Beans
2 members
$5 per month
or $4.25 for subs

This tier lets you simply toss some beans into the grinder to help keep things brewing. Thank you! Your support means the absolute world to me.

Membership Discount
Keys to the Clubhouse
Bean Boozled
0 members
$10 per month
or $8.50 for subs

You brought so many beans that it's boozled my brains! THANK YOU!!!

This tier will give you some exclusive perks, including a special role and access to the secret clubhouse on Discord AND a special monthly Discord-only stream!

Membership Discount
Keys to the Clubhouse
MORE BEANS?!??!?!?
0 members
$20 per month
or $17 for subs

This tier gives you access to a special monthly Discord-only stream where I play member-requested games! And YOU get to pick the game!
Also that's SO MANY BEANS, holy heck. ;-;

Membership Discount
Keys to the Clubhouse